Authentic Medical Consulting Presents...

How To Successfully Start and Build Your Own Private Medical Practice (with little to no money)

 Video is the ultimate form of storytelling

 Video is the ultimate form of storytelling

Authentic Medical Consulting is a virtual online program, developed and designed to
help Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Nursing Students or aspiring entrepreneurs gain the necessary knowledge and tools they need to confidently move forward with opening and starting a successful and profitable medical practice.

This is a 6 week course, taught by Shannon Martin, whose professional knowledge and guidance comes from a place of personal experience, a true desire to help others, and an authentic heart.

I’m here to guide you along on your journey! 

I’m Shannon Martin, CRNP

I am a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP), who specializes in Family Medicine, Pain Management, and Substance Use Disorders. 

I help Nurse Practitioners gain the necessary knowledge and tools they need in 6 weeks, to confidently move forward and take the next big step in starting and building a successful and profitable medical practice.

I am conducting a program called

How To Successfully Start and Build Your Own Private Medical Practice (with little to no money)

I’m going to work very closely with 10 people to help them build Medical Practices from the ground up!

In this 6 Week Coaching Program You Will: 

  • Build your confidence and transition your mindset to being your own boss
  • Provide the basic knowledge and tools you need to start your own private medical practice
  • Expose you to the “real” of entrepreneurship: share the things they won’t tell you so you don’t make the same mistakes
  • Give you what you need to generate a 6 to 7 figure profit
  • Ongoing training and coaching: You WILL NOT get left behind!

And even more than that!! 

  • Access to my private group coaching program
  • Weekly 90 minute group coaching sessions and Q&A sessions with me
  • ​Clear roadmap & guide so you know EXACTLY what to do each week
  • ​Weekly homework assignments to keep you on track and accountable
  • ​Direct access to me as your course launch coach for 6 weeks
  • ​My honest advisement/guidance, authentic support and brainpower to get you where you need and want to be

Click below to secure your spot today. Seats will fill up quickly! 

Learn from Someone Who Owns Three Practices

Shannon Martin has Been Featured In Major Media such as:


Shannon Martin is a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP), who specializes in Family Medicine, Pain Management, and Substance Use Disorders. 

She owns and operates three  medical practices, Health Releaf, with duty for the supervision of healthcare providers, administrative, and ancillary staff.

Shannon was  recognized as the 2021 TOP Integrative Medical & Wellness Practitioner for Anne Arundel County, Prince George’s County and Baltimore County, Maryland regions and was featured on the TOP Doctors Interviews which will be broadcasted on CNN Headline News, MSNBC, Oprah Winfrey Network, BRAVO and other networks.

Her journey to health entrepreneur began as being the first among her family to attend college and earn a B.S. and M.S. in Nursing as a student and graduate of Bowie State University, followed by advanced studies and certifications earning her the highly respected professional certification of Nurse Practitioner.

Click below to secure your spot today. Seats will fill up quickly! 


Check Out Testimonials From Fellow Nurse Practitioners Who Have Worked with Shannon


Check Out Testimonials From Shannon's Staff

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